A striking comparison: on young Senegalese wrestlers and precarious scholars
This post is part of our Encountering Precarities series. The thematic thread engages with the multiple and asymmetrical forms of precarisation […]
This post is part of our Encountering Precarities series. The thematic thread engages with the multiple and asymmetrical forms of precarisation […]
This post is part of our Encountering Precarities series. The thematic thread engages with the multiple and asymmetrical forms of precarisation
This post is part of our Encountering Precarities series. The thematic thread engages with the multiple and asymmetrical forms of precarisation
In the wake of calls for responsibility and for ‘Raising our voice’ (AAA 2020), early-career researchers’ in anthropology risk to
This post is the introduction of our thematic thread on Trust, curated by Anna Weichselbraun (University of Vienna), Shaila Seshia Galvin (Geneva Graduate Institute)
“Trust in humanitarian action” was the top item on the agenda of the 33rd international conference of the Red Cross
Cal Biruk explores how technologies of audit and claims to transparency common to both agri-capitalist and global health infrastructures in
This short essay addresses how trust mechanisms are articulated in one of Geneva’s local organic stores, considering the existence of
Spurred by a question I have been commonly asked, yet one that I’ve long neglected as ethnographically revealing in itself,
Drawing on participant observation of COVID-19 tests and blood donation, this article demonstrates how micro-interactions between medical personnel and laypeople