Fellow Allegrians, aspiring or confirmed anthros, creative spirits: this list of upcoming events and calls for papers and applications has been compiled especially for you, with the hope that you will find inspiration in some of the themes seeking further academic investigation. This time, neither Canada, Helsinki nor London have been selected as primary sites for calls, but the WORLD in general (even though the UK and the US remain overwhelmingly represented).
Please, do not hesitate to draw our attention to events you organise, so that we can feature them in Allegra in the future: stuff@allegralaboratory.net. And remember: we remain delighted to publish your reports on conferences, exhibitions and other events that have been inspirational to you!
An AHRC-funded Symposium
June 13 2014, Birkbeck, University of London
Deadline March 31
This one-day symposium examines literary and cultural engagements with, and responses, to homophobia. It explores representations of intimate lives lived with and against the threat of violence, and documents anti-homophobia and other forms of resistance, to ask new questions about the interlinked cultures, histories, experiences and politics of violence and sexuality across time and place.
Call for Papers: A New Anthropology of Revolution
2014 AAA Annual Meeting
December 3–7, 2014, Washington DC
Deadline for abstracts: March 31
Anthropologists have increasingly been on-the-scene in major upheavals including Latin American revolts against neoliberalism and regime-unseating protest movements from Argentina to Egypt to Thailand to Ukraine. Arguably, this new engagement with the experience and process of revolution is now bearing fruit. This panel is part of the process by which a new anthropology of revolution is being produced.
April 4-6, Simisalu Nature House, Estonia
The aim of the Spring School is invite colleagues and friends from Tallinn, Tartu, Finland, Latvia and from further away to enjoy a weekend retreat with anthropology in a non-academic environment. The Anthropology Spring School is expecting both present and former anthropology students, anthropology scholars and scholars and fans of anthropology to talk about current research topics, papers and articles in work and methodological issues in anthropology and ethnography.
113th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association,
December 3-7, 2014 Washington, DC
Deadline April 15, 2014
The SAE welcomes paper and poster session proposals for consideration at this year’s American Anthropological Association meeting. The meeting theme, “Producing Anthropology,” offers anthropologists of Europe an opportunity to rethink disciplinary understandings of how we produce anthropological knowledge. What goals do we want to set for ourselves? What partnerships should we build? What audiences should we seek?
Call for Applications: IGLP Fellowship Program, Harvard Law School
The Institute for Global Law and Policy is pleased to announce that applications are open for the Institute’s 2014-2015 residential Fellowship Program. Fellowships typically begin July 1st and run through June 30th. The application deadline for the 2014-2015 program is April 30, 2014. (Click here to apply)
The Post-Colonial Arctic Conference
May 30-31 2014, University of Leeds, UK
The primary objective of this two-day conference is to gauge the extent to which postcolonial theories and methods may be applied to the European Arctic, thereby making the case for a ‘postcolonial Arctic’ in which locally articulated desires to decolonise the region are seen in both ecological and cultural-political terms.
IIIT Summer Institute for Scholars: “Islamic Law and Ethics”
June 16-21 2014, Herndon, Virginia, USA.
The Summer Institute is an annual meeting dedicated to the study of contemporary approaches to Islamic thought, that brings together senior and young scholars in order to present papers and participate in panels and informal discussions focused on topics related to a particular theme. The theme of this year’s program is “Islamic Law and Ethics”. While the scope of Islamic Jurisprudence (fiqh) covers, broadly speaking, two areas of human-God (‘ibadat) and human-human (mu’amalat) relations, ethics (akhlaq) undergirds the entire value system of the Shari’ah.
The Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law (CJICL) Third Annual Conference
10–11 May 2014, St John’s College Divinity School, University of Cambridge.
Deadline for registration: April 30th
This conference will explore approaches that question the traditional state-centric view of international and comparative law. The idea of universality suggests that international law applies equally and indiscriminately across domestic legal systems, and within sub-systems of international law itself. Cosmopolitanism conceives of the world as a single entity, with resonances between people irrespective of their location, nationality and culture, and asks how legal actors can access legal regimes beyond their state’s domestic framework.
Thank you to Hilja Aunela for editorial assistance!
great line-up!