CANADA calling: Posts & Papers

Sometimes things arrive in hordes – or then our eyes have merely been selective lately! Whatever the case, all the below events/positions are located in Canada. Admittedly, the country in question is large, so perhaps too much excitement over this finding is misplaced, but maybe we stick with it anyway. Thus, first, the Association for Association for Law, Property, and Society has an open call for either papers or panels for the 5th Annual Meeting. The event takes place at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver in May 2-4, 2014 (and this time and place alone could present sufficient excuse for attending), and its theme addresses property law and policy broadly construed, with a target audience equally broadly defined. DEADLINE 15 Jan, 2014 (email proposals here

The second call is for the annual meeting of the Canadian Law and Society Association, organized at the Faculty of Law at the University of Manitoba on June 6-8. 2014. The theme Law’s Encounters: Co-existing and Contradictory Norms and Systems promises equally broad discussions, yet the call gives for certain expected emphasis for Indigenous issues. DEADLINE Jan 15, 2014 (email proposals here )


The last call for papers is for the Northern Frontier Northern Homeland Forty Years On: People Environment and Resources in the North organized at the University of Alberta on April 29 to May 1, 2014, and it marks the 40th anniversary of the ‘Berger Inquiry’ related to plans to construct a gas pipeline across tribal lands.

DEADLINE Nov 15 (email proposals here )


Finally, the Carleton University of Ottawa offers two tenure-track assistant professorships. The first one is for lndigeneity and the Law, the second for Criminology and Socio-legal Studies. DEADLINE for both is Dec 1.

Let there be papers & applications a plenty!

Cite this article as: , Allegra Lab. October 2013. 'CANADA calling: Posts & Papers'. Allegra Lab.

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