Allegralaboratory: Next step

Image by Ivan (

Dear Allies, after a ‘magical intellectual carpet ride’ that has already lasted for five years, it is time for a new chapter in the life of our beloved website:  Julie Billaud and Miia Halme-Tuomisaari will be taking a step back, and we are thrilled to welcome in Agathe Mora as the new editor-in-chief – or Editor in Sheets, as her Allegra profile states.

Agathe has been a part of the Allegra network for quite a while now. She finished her PhD last year at the University of Edinburgh on post-conflict property restitution in Kosovo. In addition to being a sparkling academic mind, she is also a committed public anthropologist, among others valiantly lobbying for the cause of precarious academics at the EASA.

This is a big change for us as you can imagine: it was in 2013 when Julie and Miia started the website, hardly imagining that it would grow into the extraordinary ‘thing’ that it is today! Of course we don’t envision our shared journey to end as we will continue as Directors of Things & Stuff!

Agathe will be joined in by Jon Schubert who has already become familiar to you as our Director of Outreach.

In addition we are excited to welcome Liina Mustonen as our new Director of Books.

We also have another big change coming up: after years of fantastically managing both Things & Stuff, Andrea Klein will be leaving us. We cannot express how grateful we remain for all her hard work over the years!

Yet in the midst of all these changes many things will remain familiar, including the composition of the board of Allegra Lab Association which includes for this year Judith Beyer as chair, Julie Billaud as vice-chair, Miia Halme-Tuomisaari as treasurer, and Antonio De Lauri, Felix Girke, Agathe Mora and Jon Schubert as board members.

Warm welcome to Agathe, Jon and Liina – we look forward to seeing where our shared future will lead us! And our warmest thanks to our Allies everywhere for making all this happen: for reading us, writing for us and generally embracing the bizarre creative spark known as Allegra!

Cite this article as: , . September 2018. 'Allegralaboratory: Next step'. Allegra Lab.

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