Following up on Felix Girke’s review of Rogers Brubaker’s book #trans, this #reviews week is dedicated to more new publications that explore #gender at the intersection of a range of topics: genetics, neoliberalism, violence, and fashion. All four books were part of our call for reviews on #gender.
We start tomorrow with a review by Elizabeth Holdsworth. She explores Kate Reed’s breathtaking study on Gender and Genetics. Sociology of the Prenatal. In her book, Reed explores how traditional gender ideology is enforced through prenatal screening technology.
On Wednesday, Magdalena Suerbaum reviews Masculinities under Neoliberalism, a volume edited by Andrea Cornwall, Frank Karioris, and Nancy Lindisfarne that explores how neoliberalism is transforming gender in general and masculinity in particular.
On Thursday, Harriette Richards discusses Jo B. Paoletti’s Sex and Unisex. Fashion, Feminism and the Sexual Revolution, exploring the interconnections between clothes and politics and the consequences of such interconnections for the construction of gender and sexual identity.
On Friday, we take a look at Moral Wages: The Emotional Dilemmas of Victim Advocacy and Counseling by Kenneth H. Kolb. As a male ethnographer, Kolb enters a field in which women are seeking help from male violence. The book is certainly not the first to study battered woman’s shelters or victim support agencies, but our reviewer, Jana Šimenc, applauds Kolb for a straightforward auto-ethnographic account and a careful positioning of domestic violence and sexual assault within the wider contextualisation of gender issues.