Help ALLEGRA get (even) better!

By now it should come as surprise to no one that we are working VERY hard to make Allegra everyone’s favorite Anthroblog! Since we feel that we’ve done enough occasional celebrating of this work – remember, for example, our Top 10 posts of our first year – let’s go right down to business this time.

Frankly speaking, we need your help! For, despite our best efforts, we are still far from being genuine geeks, a term utilized with the greatest of respect here.

Sure, we’ve mastered the art of FacebookTwitterish is becoming our middle name, and the contours of WordPress – well, let’s just say that few things will take us by surprise any more.

But we know there is more. What should we be doing next? What new ‘tools’  should we pick up (besides the ones we are already using, namely InstagramFlickrSoundcloudYoutube, and of course What about our social media strategy? We know that we should have one, but just what should it consist of?

And the website itself… Let’s not even get started…. Or rather, let’s skip a few steps ahead. For we are fully aware of its technical limitations, the fact that it crashes on tablets, that our posts are often h_o_p_e_l_e_s_s_l_ _ _ _y slow to load up, that its posts struggle to open on smartphones.

Here we are THRILLED to announce that we have light at the end of the tunnel – our beloved website is being completely re-designed as we speak with both exciting visuals to accompany the ‘Allegra mindset’ and the technical components to bring it all genuinely alive.

JIIHAA! We cannot wait to share the results of this exciting process very soon!

Image by John LeMasney

Help us in this process and send us your suggestions for improvements of all sorts (so that we can pass them along to the people that should see them = our web design team).

What about Allegra’s content? What more could we be doing here – to complement the ‘tongue-in-cheek & deadly serious’ melange delivered to you already.

Share your ideas with us – remembering that we operate in an online content where the only restrictions are imposed by the limits of our imagination! (Well, and the obvious limitations of resources – another area in which we are grateful of tips of all sorts).

Cite this article as: , Allegra Lab. October 2014. 'Help ALLEGRA get (even) better!'. Allegra Lab.

2 thoughts on “Help ALLEGRA get (even) better!”

  1. Hi!
    I think a very useful tool could be to have publications in different formats but also in different languages. For example, I’m from Chile, I’m Ph.D. student in France and I usually read in French, Spanish, Portuguese and English. And I think today this is a very commun situation, in the academic world. So, maybe, a good idea would be to have articles from many countries not only in English. A website that I really appreciate is who translate most of their articles in English and French… It’s a very useful platform to share untranslated books and works, for example…
    Thank you and congratulation, your website is great!

    1. Thanks Consuelo! Great point – and we’ll actually have some multi-lingual content coming in. Sadly, however, our lingua franca is English. And without a shared language our ideas struggle to travel – the classic dilemma! But we’ll keep this option in mind!

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