The summer is coming…anthros are packing their suitcases, getting prepared for some weeks of fieldwork in remote and less remote places around the world. This is an opportunity for Allegra to celebrate the method and rite of passage that makes our discipline so unique and to start a new #Fieldwork thread…Of course, in pure Allie’s spirit, we warmly welcome all your contributions and invite you to share with us reflections on your fieldwork experiences, tips for mastering the art of ethnographic research, as well as your field notes and field diaries.

This week, we’ll start with a conversation with Jessica Trembley on her blogging experience in Indonesia. She will share with us some of her insights as well as some tips for surviving fieldwork.
We’ll continue with a post written by Vincent Ialenti on his current research among different experts working in the nuclear energy sector. He’ll highlight some of the shifts – logics of finance, management, administration, and capital – that have emerged in this highly sensitive industry and the dilemmas that scientists are currently facing.
You should also look forward to Reetta Toivanen’s post on the constraints and opportunities of conducting fieldwork with Kids. Yes, the small ones may well be your best allies when looking for an entry point into the ‘field’!
We’ll conclude the week with another bizarre artefact for our collections at AVMoFA aka Allegra’s Virtual Museum of Obscure Fieldwork Artifacts to concretise the polarities of international migration and its regulatory framework. Simultaneously wrap up our thread on #BORDERS (for a moment, at least).
Enjoy !