Reetta Toivanen
Dr. Reetta Toivanen is an Adjunct Professor for Social and Cultural Anthropology and a Finnish Academy Research Fellow at the Erik Castren Institute of International Law and Human Rights at the University of Helsinki. Her research project ‘Glocal’ Governance: On the meanings and consequences of the "vernacularization" of Human Rights Concepts deals with multiethnic and –lingual municipalities in the Barents Sea area. She is also a non-resident senior research fellow at the European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) at Flensburg. She is the President of the Finnish Human Rights League and a member of the European Committee Against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI). Recent publications: Cultural and Linguistic Minorities in the Russian Federation and the European Union (edited together with Marten, Riessler and Saarikivi), Springer 2014, DeGruyter 2014, and “Alkuperäiskansojen oikeudet: totta ja tarua” In: Alkuperäiskansat tämän päivän maailmassa. Virtanen, P. K., Kantonen, L. & Seurujärvi-Kari, I. (eds.). SKS 2013.