Hazal Aydin
Hazal Aydın is a PhD student in the Department of Anthropology at Boston University. She hold a BA from Boğaziçi University’s Sociology Department and a MA from Koç University's Comparative Studies in History and Society program. Her research interests focus on media studies, creative and culture industries, gender, sexuality, queer studies, affect and emotions, theatre and performance studies, political imagination, nationalism, and political Islam. She works as a research assistant at the ERC-funded Takhayyul project led by Dr. Sertaç Sehlikoğlu at UCL's Institute for Global Prosperity. In addition to her research assistantship, she is also the co-creator of "Takhayyul Nativeness and Emergent Issues" and "Imagining Turkey" podcast series. She is the recipient of the Middle East Section Student Paper Prize (2023) for her paper, “Open Body, Theatrical Intimacy, and Sexual Harassment: Understanding Gendered Embodiments Through Turkey’s Theatre Industry.”