Imagining the Post Corona University in Brazil
Frequently, we Brazilian scholars have received concerned questions from foreign colleagues asking what the h… is happening in Brazil. In […]
Claiton Marcio da Silva is Associate Professor at the History Department at the Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (Chapecó, Brazil), Research Fellow at the Brazil’s National Research Council (CNPq) and Alumni Fellow at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society at the Ludwig-Maximiliams University of Munich (2021). Professor Claiton has been teaching and conducting research on history of sciences, technology and the environment, currently leading a research project on the global expansion of soybeans. As part of this project, he is coordinating a network of researchers based in Europe, North America and South America, aiming to explore the links between the expansion of soybeans and the Anthropocene – or, in his own words, the Soyacene. He is author of De agricultor a farmer: Nelson Rockefeller e a modernização da agricultura no Brasil [From rural worker to farmer: Nelson Rockefeller and the modernization of agriculture in Brazil; forthcoming English version 2021].
Frequently, we Brazilian scholars have received concerned questions from foreign colleagues asking what the h… is happening in Brazil. In […]