#EASAElections: Introduction to the Virtual Roundtable

As members of the European Association of Social Anthropology (EASA) should already know, the deadline to cast our vote for candidates to the Executive Committee is soon approaching (January, 15th). With the objective of making these elections more dynamic and transparent, Allegra decided to approach the 9 candidates so as to inquire on their motivations for joining the Committee. Their individual statements can be directly accessed on the EASA website. In this virtual roundtable, candidates discuss in greater details the following questions:

  1. You decided to run for the elections of the new EASA committee. Can you let EASA members know a little bit about your academic path and interests?
  2. What are your main motivations in joining the EASA Committee? Do you have some ‘insider’ knowledge of the association?
  3. What are your views regarding Open Access publishing and ‘public anthropology’ more broadly?
  4. A new generation of anthropologists is experiencing a series of concerns related to their profession and their future. How do you see the role of EASA in this scenario?

Click on the captions in their profile pictures to access their answers, and do not forget to cast your vote before January, 15th!



Featured image by wiredforlego (flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0

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Cite this article as: , Allegra Lab. January 2019. '#EASAElections: Introduction to the Virtual Roundtable'. Allegra Lab. https://allegralaboratory.net/easaelections-introduction-to-the-virtual-roundtable/

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