This week at Allegra: Kurdistan & The Kurdish Diaspora!


This week Allegra will focus on Kurdistan and the Kurdish diaspora. We will start with a conversation with Latif Tas who has recently published a book titled “Legal Pluralism in Action. Dispute Resolution and the Kurdish Peace Committee”. We will then have two posts by Deniz Gokalp and Zeynep Kaya who both carry out fieldwork in Iraqi Kurdistan and will comment on the current crisis. We will conclude with a post by Ozlem Galip on Kurdish literature/novelistic discourse in diaspora.

Waiting for our guests, below are Allegra’s suggested readings:

Aras, R., 2014, The Formation of Kurdishness in Turkey. Political Violence, Fear and Pain, Routledge.

Aziz, M., 2014, The Kurds of Iraq: Nationalism and Identity in Iraqi Kurdistan, I. B. Tauris.

Aziz, M., 2011, The Kurds of Iraq: Ethnonationalism and National Identity in Iraqi Kurdistan, I. B. Tauris.

Barzoo, E., 2013, Contesting Kurdish Identities in Sweden. Quest for Belonging among Middle Eastern Youth, Palgrave.

Chaliand, G., 1994, The Kurdish Tragedy, Zed Books.

Galip, O. B., 2014, Imagining Kurdistan: Identity, Culture and Society, I. B. Tauris.

Grabolle-Çeliker, A., 2013, Kurdish Life in Contemporary Turkey. Migration, Gender and Ethnic Identity, I. B. Tauris.

Gunes, C., Zeydanhoḡlu, W., eds., 2014, The Kurdish Question in Turkey. New Perspectives on Violence, Representation, and Reconciliation, Routledge.

Houston, C., 2008, Kurdistan. Crafting of National Selves, Berg.

Kinnane, D., 1964, The Kurds and Kurdistan, Oxford University Press.

Meiselas, S., 1997, Kurdistan: In the Shadow of History, Random House.

Stansfield, G. R. V., 2003, Iraqi Kurdistan. Political Development and Emergent Democracy, Routledge.

Tas, L., 2014, Legal Pluralism in Action. Dispute Resolution and the Kurdish Peace Committee, Ashgate.

Cite this article as: , . October 2014. 'This week at Allegra: Kurdistan & The Kurdish Diaspora!'. Allegra Lab.

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