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Round Table: Responses by Paola Monzini

Question 1: The rhetoric surrounding smugglers is packed with graphic images of violence and exploitation. What does your research indicate? Are smugglers really parasites…

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March, 2016

Call for Reviews: Gender & Sexuality – Contesting White Heteronormativity  

Political developments in many parts of the world today call us to challenge the forces that thrive on fascism, racism, anti-genderism, and the collapse…


May, 2019

An Ecology of Knowledges

Micha Rahder’s An Ecology of Knowledges: Fear, Love, and Technoscience in Guatemalan Forest Conservation is an ethnographically rich account of the dense conservation networks…

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June, 2020

Essential Readings #ErkkoLecture

I am rereading some of my own articles and chapters as I prepare for today’s lecture, and I thought these four might be useful…

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November, 2018

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