Miia Halme-Tuomisaari
OLD ALLIESWhat – a bio in max 50 words?! It’s not enough! Let’s try: Miia Halme-Tuomisaari is Allegra’s co-founder. She was Director of Things between 2013-2018. She is also the chair of Allegra Lab Hki. Creative Scholar, Professional Intellectual, All-Round Planner, Eternal Utopian Thinker – and an anthropologist of international law specializing in the analysis of the past, present and future of contemporary human rights phenomena.

Ninnu Koskenalho
OLD ALLIESNinnu has been Allegra’s very first Managing Editor (2013-2015). A WordPress wizzard and creative mind, she is now the Editor-in-Chief of AnthroBlogi, Allegra Lab’s Finnish sister. She also holds a Master degree in Anthropology.

Andrea Klein
OLD ALLIESAndrea is Allegra’s former Managing Editor of Things and Stuff (2015-2019). She would like to be a professional hiker because she’s happiest with a pack on her back. She holds an MA in Japanese Studies, spent over a decade working in the ‘real’ world before she met Julie and Miia who made her realise that she should have studied anthropology. Well, it’s never too late… (Photo by Michel Brumat).

Antonio De Lauri
OLD ALLIESAntonio is Allegra’s former Director of Festivities (2014-2018) and one of Allegra’s most popular authors. Check his post on “Bourgeois Knowledge“, one of our most read posts so far! Antonio is now the Editor-in-Chief of Public Anthropologist.

Luigi Achilli
OLD ALLIESLuigi is Allegra’s former Just Director (2015-2017) and our most regular author on issues related to Palestine, forced displacement, smuggling and migration. He is the author of ‘Palestinian Refugees and Identity: Nationalism, Politics and the Everyday’ (I.B. Tauris, April 2015).

Liina Mustonen
OLD ALLIESLiina has been Allegra’s book reviews editor from 2018 to 2019. A specialist of gender and Egypt, her research focuses largely on the geographical region called the ‘Middle East,’ but she is equally committed to investigating injustices at home in Finland.

Minke Nouwens
OLD ALLIESMinke has been Allegra’s Master of Collection between 2017 and 2018. She is a visual artist with a deep fascination for the narrative properties of things. She is interested in how digital technologies and material objects tell stories through colours, textures, movements, and sounds. Minke pursued a BSc and MRes degree in Cultural Anthropology and is now a Research Fellow at the Center of Applied Research for Art, Design and Technology in the Netherlands. Watch her beautiful website here.

Amanullah Mojadidi
OLD ALLIESAmanullah Mojadidi is an Afghan-bred, American-born conceptual artist, writer, curator, mentor, psychonaut, int’l art & culture practitioner, ted fellow, wanna-be shaman, and an Allegra ally.

Shruthi James
OLD ALLIESShruthi is a Masters student in International Relations & Political Science. She is interested in asking questions surrounding power structures in the everyday. Her current research work is on the (forced) internal migration backed by public-private extractive industries in Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand.

Saheli Chatterjee
OLD ALLIESSaheli is currently a Master’s student in International History at the Graduate Institute in Geneva. She is excited to be part of the editorial team in charge of Book Reviews. As an aspiring historian, she is certain it will help her broaden her understanding of the world and the role social scientists have to play in it.

Greg Feldman
OLD ALLIESGreg joined the Allegra editorial team in 2019. On the one hand, his work investigates questions of migration, citizenship, and action. On the other, it is really about dis/empowerment in today’s world. When he is not working on that, he remains fascinated by a global fear of the word “intellectual”, by power hierarchies in academic disciplines (it can’t all be blamed on university administration), and by the politics (and economics) of knowledge production.

Sarita Fae Jarmack
OLD ALLIESSarita’s research is on South Africa’s postcolonial art scene. She studies the politics of access and expression, while thinking critically about the masculinization of knowledge.

Jastinder Kaur
OLD ALLIESDr Jastinder Kaur is a postdoctoral researcher at SOAS University of London and Fellow of the Global Research Network on Parliaments and People. Her research explores the dynamic interplay of identity, culture, conflict, and conviviality in post-colonial multi-ethnic societies over time – including in the context of coup d’etats in Fiji. She is currently involved in the ERC-funded project ‘A global comparative ethnography of parliaments, politicians, and people: representation, relationships, and ruptures’.

Emilie Thévenoz
OLD ALLIESEmilie is a Masters in Development Studies (Graduate Institute of Geneva) / Bachelor in Anthropology with a minor in Middle Eastern studies (University of Sussex). She is interested in the vulgarisation of academic knowledge, visual anthropology, photography and arts, race and ethnicity, decoloniality, museography, and climate justice.

Felix Girke
OLD ALLIESFelix is an anthropologist working at the HTWG Konstanz. His current book project focuses on the politics of cultural heritage in Myanmar. He is also the author of The Wheel of Autonomy. Ethnicity and Rhetoric in the Omo Valley (2018). Find him on twitter: @felixgirke. Gurro ukabba.

Judith Beyer
OLD ALLIESJudith Beyer joined Allegra in 2013 as Reviews and Publications Editor and is now part of an editorial team that explores how to make anthropology multimodal: across multiple media and towards a more engaged public anthropology. Judith specializes in political and legal anthropology. She conducts long-term ethnographic fieldwork in Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan), Southeast Asia (Myanmar) and increasingly in Europe. Her current thematic interests are: the concept of community, practices of traditionalization, statelessness and activism. Theoretically she is inspired by existential anthropology and ethnomethodology

Siepke Van Keulen
OLD ALLIESSiepke has been an Editorial Assistant from 2020 until 2024. She studied anthropology and International Relations at Leiden University. She is now working for The Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision as a Research Communications Specialist.