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Page 43 of 175

Introduction: Muslim Humanitarianism

Muslims around the world partake in comparable practices of aid, welfare and care that have received a wide range of different labels depending on…

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July, 2019

Breakfast in Aidland: Quotidian Relations and Structural Contradictions

I walked out of my bedroom to a table garnished with exotic fruits, freshly pressed juice, bread and coffee. During breakfast in Aidland, I…

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March, 2017

Indigenous Water Ontologies, Plurilegal Encounters and Interlegal Translation

Lieselotte Viaene (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) will talk about “Indigenous water ontologies, plurilegal encounters and interlegal translation: some reflections from the field”. Andrea Ballestero (Rice…

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April, 2021

REDUX: An educator’s perspective on the academic boycott of Israeli institutions #BDS

Over the past months, colleagues in anthropology and other fields have laid out strong arguments for why one should support the academic boycott of…

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November, 2015

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