Virtual Museum

Allegra Virtual Museum of Obscure Fieldwork Artefacts.

The origins of the European ethnographic museum clearly lie with the ‘cabinets of curiosities’. Allegra wishes to echo and humorously distort this approach to the ‘mysterious’ and the ‘exotic’. Like early ethnographers bringing back from the field material fragments of the ‘remote’ cultures they studied, our museum welcomes ‘treasures’ that tell stories of culture(s) but where meaning and classifications are not static or fixed. The artefacts that AVMoFA collects are media for communicating the constellations of knowledge about our contemporary world.

We are calling for weird ‘STUFF’ for ALLEGRA’s Virtual Museum of Obscure Fieldwork Artefacts (AVMoFA)! Send us your mementos, the stranger the better – the tie of a businessman, the headscarf of an American Muslim punk or perhaps the lyrics of a song? What about an obscure Power Point presentation, or a bullet point pen with a nice corporate logo? Join ALLEGRA in our search for the most extravagant fieldwork artefacts to be displayed at the AVMoFA – the only one of its kind in the WORLD! Send us your artefacts (virtually - Choose pictures with high resolution) with a short text explaining their origins, social functions, aesthetics…or whatever you want; we’re waiting at stuff(at)!

Academic coaching


This leaflet is not an advertisement for a random medium or life coach. It was found in the Careers Center of the annual meeting…

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This red toy dog is one of the many plush animals that can be purchased for Valentine’s Day in the streets of Cairo. When…

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