Anthropology in Hostile Times


“…anthropologists like myself currently find themselves working in an academic environment that is profoundly hostile to the task of being alive. Crushed by an avalanche of mission statements, strategic plans, audit reports and review exercises, ideas born on the sweat and toil of an engagement that is nothing if not observant wilt and wither like plants starved of light, air and moisture. The prostitution of scholarship before the twin idols of innovation and competetiveness has reduced once fine traditions of learning to market brands, the pursuit of excellence to a grubby scramble for funding and prestige, and books such as this to outputs whose value is measured by rating and impact rather that by what they might have contributed to human understanding.”


Tim Ingold (2011) Being Alive: Essays on Movement, Knowledge and Description. London; New York: Routledge, xiii

Cite this article as: , . September 2013. 'Anthropology in Hostile Times'. Allegra Lab.

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