Friends and Relations

glocalism Glocalism is a (double-blind) peer-reviewed, open access and cross-disciplinary journal that aims at stimulating increasing awareness and knowledge around the new dynamics that characterise the glocal reality. Every article published in “Glocalism” is numbered from page 1, so that there is no hierarchical order in the journal; hence there is no usual table of contents. All the articles are freely available online upon publication. They are published under the liberal Creative Commons Attribution License. The author holds the copyright and retains publishing rights without restrictions. Follow them also on Twitter.


 Der Sozius Der Sozius. Zeitschrift für Soziologie is a new, open access journal for sociology (and anthropology), put together at the University of Konstanz. It publishes short articles in German language, but is open for English contributions, too. Students, graduate students and junior scholars can publish their first articles here. Go and take a look!


 Somatosphere Somatosphere is a collaborative website covering the intersections of medical anthropology, science and technology studies, cultural psychiatry, psychology and bioethics.


 Savage Minds Savage Minds is a group blog that has been writing about sociocultural anthropology since 2005.


 NBNlogo The New Books Network is a consortium of podcasts dedicated to raising the level of public discourse by introducing serious authors to serious audiences.


Sapiens 2 SAPIENS is an editorially independant publication of the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research.


Sean’s Russia Blog features podcasts and weekly interviews with academics, journalists and policy makers on Eurasian politics, history and society.


Public Anthropologist, an international, peer-reviewed journal, opens the possibility for dialogue and debates that are timely and socially and politically challenging. It creates a hybrid, critical space between the ponderous nature of traditional academic journals and the immediacy of blogs, newspapers, and experts’ accounts.